Design Impact Camp

Hosted by IXDA Buenos Aires

Starting the event around noon, we plan on hosting Open Space Technology sessions ( to create an environment of free discussion, ideation and creation around the event theme. We will invite as facilitators and collaborators speakers who are involved in inclusion and accessibility design
Later on the afternoon we will conclude the event by having a Models of Impact Workshop, a fun methodology they can easily learn and continue practicing.
With this two general activities scheduled, our proposal intends to open conversations of social needs such as inclusion, diversity and accessibility and provide tools to the assistants to continue implementing them on their everyday life/jobs.

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September 25, 2018
14:00 to 16:00 AST
Add to Calendar 09/25/2018 14:00 09/25/2018 16:00 America/Anguilla Design Impact Camp Starting the event around noon, we plan on hosting Open Space Technology sessions ( to create an environment of free discussion, ideation and creation around the event theme. We will invite as facilitators and collaborators speakers who are involved in inclusion and accessibility design Later on the afternoon we will conclude the event by having a Models of Impact Workshop, a fun methodology they can easily learn and continue practicing. With this two general activities scheduled, our proposal intends to open conversations of social needs such as inclusion, diversity and accessibility and provide tools to the assistants to continue implementing them on their everyday life/jobs. Ciudad Autonoma De Buenos Aires Buenos Aires, CABA C1009 AR
Ciudad Autonoma De Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires, CABA C1009