World Interaction Design Day Triangle

Hosted by Ladies That UX Durham & McKinney

Join the Ladies that UX Durham and McKinney as we come together to discuss trust and responsibility at McKinney on September 24th.

We will have light refreshments and networking from 6:30–7, and then we will kick off at 7 with a panel discussion specifically focused on gender and voice interaction.

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September 24, 2019
6:30 to 8:30 EDT
Add to Calendar 09/24/2019 6:30 09/24/2019 8:30 America/New_York World Interaction Design Day Triangle Join the Ladies that UX Durham and McKinney as we come together to discuss trust and responsibility at McKinney on September 24th. We will have light refreshments and networking from 6:30–7, and then we will kick off at 7 with a panel discussion specifically focused on gender and voice interaction. McKinney 318 Blackwell Street Durham, NC 27572 US
318 Blackwell Street
Durham, NC 27572
United States